Zenergy Building Technologies takes the time to understand customers needs and come up with a strategy that makes sense not only for today but also tomorrow. Zenergy’s capabilities expand beyond yesterdays control contractor as you can see below:
Energy Management
- Building Automation
- Systems Integration
- Building Commissioning
- Lighting Integration
- Metering
- Utility Management
Energy Services
- EnergyAudits
- Energy Retrofits (Drives, Motors, Lighting)
- LEED Certification
- Energy Star Qualifications
- Utility Incentive Rebates
Renewable Energy Consultation
- Cogeneration
- Fuel Cell
- Wind
- Photo Voltaic
- Geothermal
- Rain Water Collection
Security Solutions
- Access Control
- Video Surveillance
- Intrusion Detection
- Managed Remote Monitoring
- Consulting Services
- 24-Hour Support
- Remote Systems Operations
- Alarm Management
- Preventive Maintenance
- Energy Retrofits
- System Integration
- Legacy DDC & Pneumatic
- Control Upgrades
- Energy Assessment